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BERMUDA GRASS is one of the best choices for a hot, sunny climate.

BENEFITS: Bermuda germinates quickly and grows vigorously. It produces a fine-textured and dense turf. It is a resilient, wear-resistant turf and is often planted in golf courses and athletic fields. Bermuda spreads rapidly by surface and underground stolons or runners. It has excellent heat and drought tolerance. Bermuda goes dormant in the winter, resulting in less maintenance.

DETERRENTS: If not edged properly, Bermuda can invade your flower beds and planting sites.

LIGHT REQUIREMENTS: Full sun.  It has poor shade tolerance.

WATER REQUIREMENTS: Seed beds should be kept moist until germination. Bermuda sod should be watered every day or every two days until fully rooted into the ground. Thereafter, provide one to two inches of water per week.

MOWING HEIGHT: Bermuda should be kept short. Maintain Bermuda grass at 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches tall.

WHEN TO PLANT: Sow Bermuda seed from mid-May through mid-August. Technically, Bermuda sod can be laid out year-round. For best results, however, lay out Bermuda sod from mid-March through November.

PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS: Sow Bermuda seed at a planting depth of 1/4 inch, using two to three pounds of seed per 1000 square feet. Bermuda seed is very fine, so it is a good idea to mix the seed with sand for a more uniform distribution. Bermuda germinates quickly, usually in seven to ten days. Under the proper conditions, it can become fully established in 60 to 90 days.

A WORD OF CAUTION: Do not combine Bermuda seed and Bermuda sod. Most Bermuda sod varieties are hybrids and do not mix well with the grass from common Bermuda seed, because they have a different appearance and texture.

FERTILIZER: Bermuda thrives on fertilizer. You should apply fertilizer to Bermuda two to three times during the growing season. In April, it will start to come out of its dormant state. When it is about 50% green, apply a slow-release, high nitrogen fertilizer to your lawn. Make a second application about six to eight weeks later or as directed on the bag. A third application in another six weeks may be desired. Apply a "winterizer" to Bermuda in late October to prevent winter injury.

WEED CONTROL: To prevent winter weeds like poa annua, apply a crabgrass preventer to your Bermuda lawn in late September or early October. Apply it again in February to prevent crabgrass and certain other broadleaf weeds. A healthy, well-fed Bermuda lawn rarely has a weed problem. If weeds do develop, apply a lawn weed killer in June to control growing weeds.


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